A lot of you will be aware that we are hosting a team racing event on the 16th April here in NED, the basic concept is simple enough: Team racing in F18's with a solid focus on bringing it to the public.
The tricky part is how do you get the action out there? beyond those who attend the even in person.... Sure we have photo's and reports, but nothing beats TV, and imagine if you could put cameras on F18's and broadcast live? add in GPS tracking and you have a super cool package.
up until very recently all this was costing mega bucks and actually it was too big and certainly not waterproof enough, but as technology evolves these options become more and more feasible. With modified Gopro cameras and some geek engineering this is all going to happen next weekend.
For me though, the seriously cool thing is the plane.... Yep a remote control plane with a Gopro on the nose and it sends live video up to 40km!!!
You have a cool set of video googles to watch it all like a pilot, its seriously spooky to view the world like this, but addictive all the same!
So, next weekend we will see the next step in sailing viewing, sounds a lot like the next AC TV plans..
Big thanks to the boys at